
Sunday, January 17, 2010

GlideOS now offers 30GB of free storage on their gDrive

from Download Squad by Lee Mathews

If Google's not going to come right out and release a product called gDrive, someone else might as well. That someone else appears to be GlideOS.

The service recently bumped their free offering to a whopping 30GB -- 30 times more than what Google is offering. You can also upgrade to a premium account which gets you 250GB for $50US per year -- the same price gets you 200GB from Google.

There is a downside, of course. Glide doesn't allow just any old file - their storage is earmarked for media and documents, so you won't be uploading things like installers and archives.

To make it easier for us to get our files synced up with the cloud, Glide provides a desktop client for Windows, Mac, Linux (RPM), and Solaris/OpenSolaris (yes, really!). There's also a mobile portal which you can access from just about any smartphone.

Glide's free storage is a nice complement for netbooks with smaller SSD drives - and a solid option for sync-powered backup of your important files.

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